"Thank you to Pat and team. This 'refresh' and update was exactly what I needed to take my skills to the next level. You guys are improving outcomes for literally thousands of patients. Thank you! "
Dr. Jeromy Peterson, Poulsbo, WA

"Since I have returned from Dallas, many of my thoughts have been consumed with the wealth of information from your excellent continuing education program presented by your staff and yourself. I was very impressed with the entire experience. Every detail from transportation to venue to food and hotel were obviously well thought out. I also appreciated your honest presentation of your surgical technique with the proper documentation to backing up your statements. You truly have helped my patients and myself on the way to a much more predictable surgical path to improved periodontal health."
David A. Goldberg, DMD – Periodontist, North Plainfield NJ

"Excellent experience from start to finish. I feel comfortable going back to my office and starting soft tissue grafting Monday. In addition, I feel more confident addressing recession, abfraction lesions in a way that will benefit patients for a healthier, more stable long term solution."
Aaron Marks, General Dentist – Mechanicsville, VA

"I have recently taken Dr. Pat Allen's course. As a periodontist I found his course innovative and extremely useful. It was an excellent and comprehensive review on the use of the AlloDerm material. Dr. Allen's style of lecturing delivers a step by step technique that is invaluable. His course has changed the way I treat mucogingival problems. I only wish I had taken this course earlier!"
Pedro M. Trejo, periodontist Houston, TX

"My staff and I cannot thank you enough for having taught me the skill of the tunnel technique in conjunction with AlloDerm. Our results have been fantastic and we have helped about 100 people since taking the class several years ago. I hope it makes you feel proud and satisfied that you could help our patients by passing on your knowledge and skills to me and my staff. We will always be grateful…."
Michael R. Sesemann, Omaha, Nebraska

"I've done several bilateral lowers and have a few single teeth and lower anteriors coming up. After I did a few... everything just came together and its quite a stress-free procedure for me). I have yet to tear a papillae so maybe I need to do more!"
George Foo, Melborne, Australia

"I just want you to know how much I am enjoying helping my patients with AlloDerm grafting. The surgeries are great successes, and the patients are very happy. I really appreciate your comprehensive presentation at your CE course and the kind of support you have given to us."
Stephen C. Fisher, Clarksville, AR

"We were very pleased with the training DVDs for our team members."
Euna Koo, Cincinnati, OH

"Being a continuing education junkie for over 25 years, I have had the opportunity to spend considerable time with some of our profession's best educators. In all those years, I have never attended a hands-on course that was more organized, stimulating and fruitful than your soft tissue grafting course. From the moment the limousine picked me up at the airport, to the moment I left, absolutely every detail was meticulously planned and orchestrated, including a novel dining experience at the Brazilian grill! I left confident in my ability to diagnose, treatment plan and execute AlloDerm grafts. I also left with an outstanding video collection for educating my patients, my staff and myself. If I was Moody's, the only possible rating is AAA. Thanks so much for helping me help my patients."
Mark Link

"Thank you Dr. Allen. This course summarized years of periodontal training in 2 days. Amazing!"
Jeremiah Cook - San Antonio, TX

"Great course. Very solid surgical technique that you can take back and do on Monday in the office."
Walter Tatch - Waukegan, IL

"Your course was the best CE course I have taken during my 25 years in periodontics."
Dr. Joseph V. Califano - Chicago, IL

"Dr. Allen, you are an excellent teacher! The information you presented was so complete that even a GP can understand and easily apply it, yet it benefited the specialists there as well."
Dr. Steven D. Wegner - Omaha, NE