Ridge defects are a very common finding after tooth extraction. Recent literature has shown that the pattern of bone and soft tissue remodeling can obtain up to 50% of the original volume. Many different surgical approaches have been proposed over the years to correct ridge defects, but the results have often been inconsistent or difficult to reproduce on a daily basis.
For some time, surgeons have relied on the guided bone regeneration (GBR) technique, taking advantage of a barrier membrane to protect the blood clot, combined with different combinations of autogenous bone and bone grafts from various sources. If some kind of understanding has been reached and certain guidelines adopted for the treatment of horizontal defects, those for tridimensional and vertical defects still present a challenge.
About a decade ago, a new biomaterial became available on the market - a membrane made of collagenated equine bone called cortical lamina - which provided to be reliable and easy to handle for both horizontal and vertical defects.
Do you like to learn how to make possible what seems impossible?
Do you like to learn how to restore health, function and esthetics?
Introduction to the GBR technique with cortical lamina.
Classification of crestal defects, bone resorption mechanism, literature review.
Scientific background and presentation of the different types of laminate.
Indications for the use of the different types of lamina in different clinical situations.
Surgical procedure step by step, from planning to incisions to mobilization of buccal and lingual flaps.
Suturing technique for lamina cases.
Treatment of horizontal defects
Treatment of vertical defects
Treatment of 3D defects
Growth factors and fibrin glue
Variations of the lamina technique
Fibrinogen Induced Regenerative Sealant Technique (F.I.R.S.T.)
One Step Otimization (O.S.O)
Poncho Lamina Technique
Bone into bone
Cortical lamina in resolution of cases of peri-implantitis
Cortical lamina in resolution of cases of fractured or poorly placed implants
Cortical lamina in esthetic and multi-disciplinary cases
Complications and their management
Projection of videos of previously done surgeries
Workshop on customized plastic mandibles showing application of the different types of lamina.
Diagnosis and differentiation of the different types
Prevalence and statistics
Planning in the ‘old way’
Mock up and pre-visualization
Surgical options: gingivectomy and osseous resective surgery
Modern anesthesia for esthetic treatment in the anterior area (AMSA and P.ASA)
Planning and treatment of pre-prosthetic cases.
Treatment of Orthodontic cases
Diagnosis and planning of Vertical Maxillary Excess
Lip repositioning surgery combined with crown lengthening
Planning in the digital era …. 3D planning and ‘The Double Guide Concept’
Future…. Lip repositioning with Biovolumes
Digital planning combined with DSD and guided surgery
Workshop on plastic mandibles with artificial gums
8343 Douglas Avenue, suite 125. Dallas, Texas 75225, United States
5955 Luther Lane. Dallas, Texas 75225, United States